May 25th, 2016

DevOps is the end to end collaboration, performance measurement, and process automation flow. It enhances the software development lifecycle between development and operations teams; getting from business idea to measureable customer action with speed and agility in minutes and not months. It allows the team to be agile but at the same time mitigating risk. How can this be done? This concept is based upon six principles. Principle #1: Culture This, by far, is the most important…


May 23rd, 2016

According to a study conducted by Booz & Company, the number one reason today why CIOs are fired or let go from their position is for failure to partner with the business/organization. The next four reasons are: failing IT programs, too many service failures, excessive cost, and insufficient business impact. What does this mean, and how has the role of the CIO and IT changed? Over the last three decades the role of the CIO has shifted dramatically. If you looked at the qualifications…